Thanks for subscribing to the website updates!
We have replaced the mp3 player for each show note posting with a podcast publishing plug-in that hopefully is more effective for all users.
It includes an html5 compatible player, as well as links to opening player in a new window and downloading the mp3 podcast file directly.
Please let us know if you have any challenges with the new system.
You can see it in action at any of the Show Note postings, like the one found here:
Corey Eib (check out Corey’s excellent blog posting here that sums up much of what we address on the show here and I continue to co-host the 2 hour show live on the site every Saturday at 6pm Central. Thanks much to the Gitmo Slave and Mr. Oils for keeping that stream alive.
We will prompt the site to send you two updates per show: 1st when the audio file is first posted and available for listen/download and 2nd when the Show Notes on that same post have been (nearly) fully updated with links and docs, etc. I will be able to get the audio file for the podcast up within minutes of finishing the live broadcast each Saturday evening. It will take me a day to a week to get all the show notes and links posted.
The podcast feed has been submitted to iTunes and potentially Agenda31 will be available as a podcast subscription on iTunes in a week or so. If you are an iTunes podcast subscriber, this may come in handy and hopefully it will expose the show to additional audiences not yet reached.
Finally, if you like what you hear on the show, please help spread the word about Agena31 to your friends and family and send them to this link to subscribe to website updates:
Thanks much for reading this far!
All the best,
Todd McGreevy
info at agenda31 dot org