A31-139 Clams & Comity

Corey Eib & Todd McGreevy re-cap where Corey’s CA DMV Writ of Mandamus case stands, and discuss the next best Lowest Risk Highest Reward Strategy to Make a Difference.

Writ of Mandamus Denied! Orange County California Superior Court Ruled Corey Failed to Identify the Court’s Authority to Compel DMV to Honor Its 2010 Letter Citing It Will Destroy the Card and Close Corey’s License Account

Detailed show notes with links pending as of May 19.2024. This episode was broadcast live on May 11, 2024.

“Comity is the most important right because without comity they can modify as they see fit every other right secured in the Constitution.” – Corey Eib May 11, 2024


Social Security Administration Correspondence with Corey Eib in February 2015