Greetings and Happy New Year!
The show notes for this week’s installment (Ep113) are posted and the summary of the show is pasted in below, too.
Are any A31 listeners up for summarizing an episode or two for us?
We are short on show notes for the following episodes, and to get caught up could use some help:
You can either post your summary in the Comments section of any of these episodes above, or reply to this email with your submission. The best one(s) will be gratuitously appropriated and modified where appropriate and used in the teaser sections of each episodes show notes. A byline credit and link to your blog or site can be included, if you request it.
These summaries are the words that appear in the “info” screens for the RSS and podcast feeds.
So succinct, and detailed at the same time is optimal.
Here’s the summary notes for this weeks’ show,
(Your submission does not need to be this long, nor does the description of the show have to follow the chronology of the info shared on the episode, this one does not… )
“Corey recounts his visit with fellow No Agenda listeners as the JC Dvorak meet up at the aptly named “Citizen” club in Beverly Hills. Dialogs with CHP and Ventura PD attendees are recounted, among others. The rupee 500 and 1,000 notes are being called in by government ministers in India. How would such a move go down here? Bad optics at the Santa Clara Bar Christmas party with judges shines light on the inadequacies of the Commission on Judicial Review in California. Todd works on getting over his propaganda fatigue with a deconstruction of Lew Rockwell’s recent appearance on the Tom Woods podcast. The National Endowment for Democracy’s history is reviewed. Has the US helped fix foreign elections before NED was born 30 years ago? Didn’t No Agenda bring up USAID and NED a long time ago? Did Americans interfere in the 1996 election of Boris Yelstin? TIME Magazine features a cover story that says so. Friend of the show, Dr. Tom’s recent proposal of the SSA’s REQUEST FOR WITHDRAWAL OF APPLICATION, or TOE 420 OMB No. 0960-0015, aka 521 form, as the document to effectively revoke consent for participation in the federal benefit program is refuted. The definition of “individual” as it appears in the clerk from SCOTUS’ letter to Corey is examined. And, the nuances of how an Article IV state citizen can show original jurisdiction for SCOTUS applies via the current court house restrictions are explored.”
I know, what will we be asking for next?
Help making episode album cover art?
Always up for creative input!
If you want a layered .eps or .ai file with A31 logo and slug on a template, please reply to this email.
Thanks for supporting the lowest risk, highest reward podcast in the universe!