Todd’s wife Kathleen guest-co-hosts this week. The topic is focused on election integrity, especially in Scott County Iowa and the GEMS software many states and counties use to count votes in an election. Proof of concept for Corey’s next step, proving whether consent is revocable or not, is beat up soundly.
How meaningful is the media-fueled binary battle between the deplorables and the corruptibles when the very election systems used to count the votes are susceptible to manipulation and fraud? It’s a topic very few wish to engage with. For, if true, all the spent energy and resources and the lost or frayed friendships over such a contentious national election would be for naught.Scott County has used the Global Election Management System (GEMS) for dozens of elections. From the manufacturer’s Web page ( “GEMS is a Microsoft Windows-based election-management and -tabulation software. It allows election administrators to easily and completely control every step of the election process, from ballot layout to election reporting, all in one proven application.”In May,, a venerable and credible election-watchdog organzation (, began publishing a series of essays “Fraction Magic: The Decimalization of Votes” (
As the November 8 election approaches, I am dumbfounded by so many voters’ resolute determination to not look behind the curtain at the facts evidencing numerous criminal acts by Hillary Clinton, or the myriad hypocritical business practices of Donald Trump. Nor does there appear to be sufficient consideration for voting for either of the most-prominent third-party candidates (Libertarian Gary Johnson or the Green Party’s Jill Stein), if for no other reason than to ease voters’ consciences by decisively opting out of the “lesser of two evils” justification that no longer suffices. Links to well-documented research and the tip of the iceberg of bad acts can be found at,,,,, and
RadioLab Story About Alecia Faith Pennington, who was born on a farm, homeschooled, and never visited a dentist or a hospital. By both chance and design she is completely invisible in the eyes of the state.
Can You Find the US on a Map?
Driving with a Californian – Corey Walks the Talk, Explaining State Citizenship
This book shows how number contains not only the seeds of our sciences, but the seeds of our religions. To know is only half the story. The other half lives in our belief.